National Collections 2024

National Collections

Year of 2024

Local, National, and Global Ministries

Pastoral Services Department

Sister Lois Paha, O.P., Director


The Black and Indian Mission

Collection at St. Helen's on February 25-26, 2023

The Black and Indian Mission Office is comprised of three distinct but inter-related organizations, each with its own purpose and history, but all seeking to fulfill the one Mission to the Missions! Founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States, each organization cooperates with local diocesan communities to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and respond to real and pressing needs on the ground. Read more and join us in our Mission to the Missions!

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CRS Rice Bowls

Collection at St. Helen's on February 22-April 5, 2023

Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all.

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Catholic Relief Services

Collection at St. Helen's on March 18-19, 2023

In keeping with the theme "Helping Jesus in Disguise," the funds collected through The Catholic Relief Services Collection support vital Catholic programs that share in the Catholic mission of promoting the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person.

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Holy Land

Collection at St. Helen's on April 7, 2023

The Franciscan Monastery in Washington, D.C. is a national shrine that sustains this 800-year mission of the Franciscan Friars in the Holy Land by serving as a “Little Jerusalem” in America. It serves America’s Holy Land pilgrims through education, fundraising, recruiting vocations, promoting pilgrimages and providing pastoral ministry locally to religious, lay Catholics and to all of good will.

The Franciscan Monastery is home to a thriving Holy Land Franciscan community; self-sustaining and capable of fulfilling its mission on behalf of the Holy Land, its Friars and the Church Universal.

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Home Missions Appeal

Collection at St. Helen's on April 29-30, 2023

Launched in 1998, the Appeal strengthens the Catholic Church in the United States and its territories in 85 Latin and Eastern Catholic dioceses. The Subcommittee on the Catholic Home Missions funds a wide range of pastoral services, including evangelization, religious education, and the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups.

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Catholic Communications Campaign

Collection at St. Helen's on May 20-21, 2023

The essential mission of the CCC is to contribute to the process of evangelization by fostering activities in relation to television, radio, internet, and other media, and through special projects of the Catholic press.  An annual collection is taken up in the dioceses, which remit 50% of the funds collected to the National Office.  From these funds, grants are made by the USCCB Subcommittee on the Catholic Communication Campaign.  The remaining portion of the collection is retained by the dioceses for use in local communication projects.

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Holy Father's-Peter's Pence

Collection at St. Helen's on July 1-2, 2023

The purpose of the Peter's Pence Collection is to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond with emergency assistance to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease.  This collection was started centuries ago to provide financial support for the Pope and has evolved to fund the Holy See's charitable actions for those in need.

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The Church in Africa

Collection at St. Helen's on August 12-13, 2023

Responding to the call of the Church in Africa, as pastors in the United States we recognize the mutual bonds of solidarity that unite us - bonds that have been forged through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We stand in solidarity with the Church and the peoples of Africa, to recognize and support their courageous commitment to peace, justice, and reconciliation. 

As we do this, we are reminded of the words of the Holy Father:  "Africa is not destined for death, but for life!"

-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Call to Solidarity with Africa

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Diocesan Catholic Schools

Collection at St. Helen's on September 23-24, 2023

The mission of the Diocesan of Catholic Schools is to support the growth of the whole person in which faith, academic excellence, and service are integral to the life of every student served in the Diocese of Tucson.

There are 23 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Tucson:

16 elementary schools, one early childhood center, two Pre-K through 12 schools, and 4 high schools.  The 23 schools are located in Tucson, Sierra Vista, Douglas, Casa Grande, San Carlos, Nogales, and Yuma.

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Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)

Collection at St. Helen's on November 18-19, 2023

The belief that those who are directly affected by unjust systems and structures have the best insight into knowing how to change them is central to CCHD.  CCHD works to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities.  CCHD offers a hand up, not a handout.

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Diocesan Priest Retirement Collection

at St. Helen's December 9-10, 2023

Father Robert D. “Bob” Fuller

Annual Catholic Appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal is a way for parishioners from around the Diocese of Tucson to come together and provide critical financial support for the ministries of our parishes, social service programs, and diocesan services.

Please prayerfully consider supporting our diocese by giving to this annual appeal.

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